10月26日是安康(ANCOM)的股东大会。安康的两家子公司耐力士(NYLEX)和安康物流(ANCOMLB),也将于同一日召开股东大会。 和往年不同的是,今年安康和耐力士将另外举行股东特大,讨论收购事宜。 在今年4月28日,总共控制了耐力士50.27%的大股东安康和相关方,...
10月26日是安康(ANCOM)的股东大会。安康的两家子公司耐力士(NYLEX)和安康物流(ANCOMLB),也将于同一日召开股东大会。 和往年不同的是,今年安康和耐力士将另外举行股东特大,讨论收购事宜。 在今年4月28日,总共控制了耐力士50.27%的大股东安康和相关方,...
The ability to eradicate poverty is the single biggest predictor of good health. In other words, eradicating poverty is more important...
Four police reports lodged over 'Pandora Papers' exposé KUALA LUMPUR: Four police reports were lodged over the "Pandora Papers" exposé,...
What Are Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Criteria? Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of...
Prospective homebuyers have the option of purchasing a property on either the primary or secondary market. Since buying a house is one of...
Last Tuesday, KNM Group Bhd shareholders rejected its proposal to raise RM167.9 million via a private placement of up to 987.52 million...
KUALA LUMPUR (July 14): Genetec Technology Bhd, which hit its record high of RM18.58 after rising RM1.88 or 11% yesterday, was slapped...
(纽约15日讯)在全球股市节节攀升之际,巴菲特最青睐的股市估值指标“巴菲特指标”(股市总市值/GDP)飙升至历史新高水准,外媒对此示警,这表明全球股市已严重高估,可能即将在未来数月内崩盘。 《商业内幕》报道,巴菲特指标的全球版本,在周日(13日)已飙升至133%,远远超出...